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Like many people, I started gaining weight after I got married. My mother jokingly called it "happy fat," but 20 years added 45 pounds onto a very small frame. I was overweight, frustrated and unhappy. 


At age 57, I found myself with Type 2 diabetes and I faced a choice: continue my slow spiral into ill health or begin a steady march into wellness. I chose the latter and focused my energy on exercise and healthy eating.


Exercising was a new challenge, and I had to re-educate myself about healthy eating. However, I had two things on my side: a strong work ethic and persistence!

With the help of a trainer, I lost that 45 pounds and became a healthy, well-controlled diabetic, and fitness has become a way of life. As a senior, I truly understand the importance of being as physically fit as our health limitations allow. Being fit allows us to participate more with family and friends, and keep contributing  deep into retirement.

With a background in nursing, I feel comfortable working with seniors who have health problems or disabilities. I enjoy working with my clients to individualize their training to achieve their specific goals, and I take great pleasure in seeing my clients make progress.

I look forward to working with you!

Happy fat to happily fit!

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